Six Pack in Turkey

Achieve the Ultimate Definition with a Six-Pack!

What is Six Pack Operation?

Six Pack surgery (Liposhaping) is the process of obtaining a six pack image in the abdomen with the liposuction method. A physician's opinion is definitely needed, as the surgical applications and the duration of the operation will be different according to the body structures. The procedure is generally applied to adults who do not have prominent muscles despite heavy exercise and want to obtain a more striated appearance. The healing process does not have any difficulties that take a long time and keep the person away from his daily life. The post-operative period is easily overcome. It allows you to achieve a six-pack appearance in a much shorter time than exercise. These types of surgeries are simple operations that do not pose any inconveniences to all healthy individuals. It is not very challenging for people both in the pre-operative period and in the post-operative period.

Six Pack Cost in Turkey

Erdem Hospital offers high-level service under the most favorable conditions. With an online free consultation, the price is determined after the treatment recommended by our doctors. Our prices are offered in all-inclusive packages. All services mentioned below will be included in the price.

  • Free consultation
  • All accommodation in a 5-star hotel
  • Pre/post-operative testing
  • Cost for laboratory
  • Medication and Equipment
  • All round VIP transfer
  • 7/24 Support
  • Assistants speak English

Before Six Pack Operation

Before liposuction, patients must be weighed, and their body weights recorded. Again, it is useful to determine body fat ratios before the procedure. They should also be weighed regularly after surgery. In six pack surgery, as in all surgeries, it is necessary to stop aspirin and smoking 3 weeks beforehand. In the last 1 week, drugs and similar substances that can dilute the blood should be avoided. Drugs that should not be used: Painkillers such as Apranax, Voltaren, Vermidon (Minoset, Novalgin can be used when painkillers are needed). Consumption of multivitamin pills containing substances such as Ginseng, Ginko Biloba, CO-enzyme Q, herbal products such as green tea, flaxseed, cherry stalk, tomato seed and all weight loss products should be stopped 7 days before. It depends on the area to be operated on and how much fat needs to be eliminated. If it will only be performed in a small region, sedatives and local anesthetic can be used. If working in a large area, general anesthesia is necessary.

After Six Pack Operation

The points to be considered after six pack surgery are informed by the physician to the patient before discharge. It is very important for the health of the person to pay attention to these elements. During this period, the abdominal region should be protected against impacts. Since the tissues are not yet recovered, especially in the first month, being hit can lead to bleeding or deformity. If the person has been hit, he must notify his doctor about the situation. It is quite natural to have conditions such as edema, swelling and redness in the operated parts of the person during this period. It is not necessary to apply any treatment procedure for these conditions resulting from the operation. These conditions disappear spontaneously in a few days. In the postoperative period, exercise, especially abdominal exercises, should not be done until the tissues recover for a few months. There is no harm in taking short and quiet walks. However, it is important to consult a physician and have an abdominal examination in order to return to exercise life. The swelling in the person decreases in the first month and returns to normal on its own. Some of the fat injected into the abdominal region of the person is absorbed by the body. Then the remaining image is permanent as long as the person maintains their weight. The patient needs to keep his or her weight steady. If weight is gained, the body starts to store fat in the areas where the fat is removed, and the lines disappear after a while. The appearance of a flat stomach returns. Therefore, you should be very careful about your diet.

Women's Two Pack Aesthetics & Muscle Aesthetics

The most common area where muscle aesthetics is applied is the abdomen. As a result, males who have muscular aesthetic procedures are said to have a six-pack.In women, it's sometimes referred. In the operation performed under general anesthesia and in which small surgical incisions of 4-5 mm length corresponding to the body folds are made, the fat tissue in the areas where the abdominal muscles are curved is preserved or increased with fat filling, and the fat tissue in the areas where the muscles are dimpled is removed by liposuction technique. In women, a muscular abdomen (two pack) with two muscle bumps on the right and left is obtained. In men with fat in the chest area or gynecomastia (breast enlargement), liposuction is also applied to the chest area, aiming for a more fit and muscular chest appearance. With the operation, the waist area can also be thinned, and the waist muscles can be revealed. for the purpose of giving a more athletic appearance. Muscle aesthetic procedures can be done on the back, arms, legs, abdomen, and waist area.

Six Pack Process



مدة العلاج

4-5 Hours

البقاء في اسطنبول

6 Days

مقبول إجتماعيا

2 Weeks

طلب معلومات
الإسم الأول مطلوب!
البريد الالكتروني مطلوب!
رقم الهاتف مطلوب!
بدون رمز البلد
يتطلب وقت المكالمة!
وفقا لوقت بلدك.
عمليات متعددة

اتصل بنا

يمكنك التواصل معنا للاستفادة من المزايا المتنوعة والتكنولوجيا الصحية المتقدمة في مستشفى إرديم، ولطرح جميع الأسئلة التي تدور في ذهنك، وللاستفادة من علاجاتنا.

عملية التطبيق
ابدأ بإكمال النموذج!

ابدأ بإكمال النموذج، دعنا نصل إليك!

احصل على استشارة مجانية

بعد ملء النموذج، سيتواصل معك مستشارونا الصحيون لفهم متطلباتك.

أرسل لنا الصور

يرجى إرسال صورك إلى الاستشاريين الصحيين، وسيقوم أطباؤنا بفحصها.

عملية التخطيط

بعد الانتهاء من جميع العمليات، سيتم التخطيط لعلاجك وفقًا للتاريخ المتاح لديك.

Six Pack Operation in Turkey FAQ

If you don't see an answer to your question, you can send us an email from our contact form.

Being in Istanbul a few days prior to surgery is always advised. Prepare mentally for the procedure and organize your procedure with all of your exams and testing.

Following a six-pack procedure, recovery typically lasts three days. Plan a vacation of at least 5 to 6 days in order to experience a fresh look. Don't forget to see Istanbul's picturesque!

Abdominal etching, also known as liposculpture, is a surgical procedure where unwanted abdominal fat is purposefully liposuctioned off the body to contour and emphasize the abdominal muscles, giving you a 6-pack almost right away.

Although they are a permanent procedure, ab implants occasionally endure between 10 and 20 years. Following the treatment, there may be transient pains, swelling, and bruising. The side effects often disappear within a week. After surgery, patients can resume normal activities two to three days later.

Patients don't experience any pain because general anesthetic is utilized during the treatment. You might suffer some soreness, bruising, and swelling after your operation, but these side effects are common and will go away as you recuperate.

The outcomes will be greater if you keep working out and/or lose weight because the etching will make your natural six pack even more visible.

The good news is that fat cells vanish after removal. Even if you put on weight, the removed fat cannot reappear in the abdomen. Your six-pack abs will still be somewhat visible. Patients should continue to keep a stable weight, though, as extra fat cells.

You can anticipate seeing the complete results between 1-3 months following the treatment, depending on how much fat is eliminated.

Generalizing greatly, the largest muscular groups in the body typically respond to exercise in terms of their development the quickest. They are the muscles that are easiest to overload with high weights, so it makes sense.

You must avoid sugary beverages, including as soda, sports drinks, and juice, These might raise body fat levels and impede the process of obtaining abs. Beyond that fried food such as chicken strips, mozzarella sticks, and French fries which are high in trans fats as well as calories and alcohol also the enemy of six-pack.

The fat cells that are removed from your body by your surgeon during ab etching are permanently gone. Therefore, you can never put on weight there. If you do put on weight after having stomach etching surgery, you might put on fat in other places, which could skew your results.

Bananas, dates, and raisins are all excellent fruits for developing muscle. These meals provide the most calories per serving, allowing you to reach the surplus of calories required for growth. They also include a lot of potassium and antioxidants, which reduce edema and muscle cramping during exercise.